1. Djavan / Flor de Lis
2. Pavel Jany and Selmara Abreu / Perdoa
3. Joao Donato / A Ra
4. Marcos Valle / Summer Samba-So Nice
5. Dorival Caymmi / Rosa Morena
6. A. C. Jobim / Agua de Beber
7. Pavel Jany and Selmara Abreu / Sem Querer
8. A. C. Jobim / Triste (instrumental version)
9. Joao Donato / Bananeira
10. A. C. Jobim / One Note Samba
1. Pavel Jany / Ticket To Brasil
2. Antonio Carlos Jobim / Desafinado
3. Baden Powell / Tempo Feliz
4. Ary Barroso / Aquarela Do Brasil
5. Antonio Carlos Jobim / Corcovado
6. Jorge Morel / Danza Brasilera
7. Baden Powell / Valsa Sem Nome
8. Eduardo Gudin / Mensagem
9. Sergio Teran / Chorinho N. 1
10. Pavel Jany / Far And Beyond
1. Pavel Jany / Sem Querer
2. Antonio Carlos Jobim / Once I Loved
3. Baden Powell / Samba Sarava
4. Pavel Jany / Dance With Me
5. Denis Brean / Bahia Com H
6. Baden Powell / Tristeza E Solidao
7. Pavel Jany / Forgiveness
8. Luiz Carlos / Sozinha
9. Pixinguinha / Carinhoso
10. Cabana / Ilu-Aye
11. Pavel Jany / Obrigado Por Samba
12. Pavel Jany / Obrigado Por Samba part 2
1. Pavel Jany / Memories Of Marseille
2. Jaco Pastorius / Three Views of a Secret
3. Richard Rodgers / Blue Moon
4. Patrick Saussois / Just One For Babik
5. Jimmy Van Heusen / Here’s That Rainy Day
6. Pavel Jany / Song For Karl
7. Leo Brouewer / Un Dia De Noviembre
8. Antonio Carlos Jobim / Samba Do Aviao
9. Pavel Jany / Afflatus
10. Pavel Jany / Variation On Jimmy Page’s Theme
11. Ennio Morricone / Cinema Paradiso
PJany Music Albums
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$14.99 plus tax
$2.00 shipping and handling (if mailed in the USA)
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$14.99 plus tax
$2.00 shipping and handling (if mailed in the USA)
Will be mailed within 5 business days
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$14.99 plus tax
$2.00 shipping and handling (if mailed in the USA)
Will be mailed within 5 business days
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1. Pavel Jany / Looking Up
2. Gary Schulte / Waltz Of A Snow Leopard
3. Django Reinhardt / Nuages
4. Gary Schulte / Moonstruck
5. Moravian Traditional / Pohar Vina
6. Pavel Jany / Forgiveness
7. Gary Schulte / Dance of the Talking Jaguar
8. Django Reihardt / Minor Swing
9. Pavel Jany / Song For Jane
10. Gary Schulte / Moondog Dance of the Snowshoe Hare
11. Pavel Jany / Memories of Marseille
$14.99 plus tax
$2.00 shipping and handling (if mailed in the USA)
Will be mailed within 5 business days
Special shipping rates might apply to international sales
PAVEL JANY Guitarist / Composer / Producer
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